Exceptional Engagement of Employees for CSR Rewarded

NYC service recognizes Synpulse USA

The NYC Mayor’s office has recognized Synpulse USA for its exceptional engagement of employees in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in 2019.1

The Mayoral Service Recognition Program distinguishes businesses who have engaged 20-30% of their employees in volunteerism in a calendar year. In 2019, 88% of employees at Synpulse USA volunteered in at least one CSR event putting us meaningfully over the minimum threshold.

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Certificate of recognition from NYC Service

The US office has a structured annual CSR program. Our employees are invited to directly choose themes they are interested in. These can cover subjects like environmental sustainability, wellness and community building. Subsequently they plan and schedule events around the selected topics. In the year 2019, the following events were organized:

Hudson river sweep with riverkeeper, where volunteers cleaned up waste along the shores of the Hudson River. Shuchen Lin, Manager, said, “Styrofoam pieces, plastic bottles, and a single flip-flop slipper were a few items I picked up along the Hudson River bank. With the Riverkeeper organization, there is hope for the continued recovery of the Hudson River –one less Styrofoam piece at a time.”

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Synpulsians cleaning the Hudson River

Run with Achilles International, where employees served as able-bodied partners and guides to Achilles athletes (who operate with various mental and/or physical disabilities).

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Synpulsians with Achilles Athletes

Thanksgiving food drive with New York Common Pantry (NYCP) through which food donations were made to those in need during the holiday season.

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Delivering food to those in need

Secret snowflake organized by the NYC Mayor’s office, an annual event where employees answered hand-written letters for holiday gifts from children in-need.

As part of this annual Mayoral Service Recognition Program, businesses of varying sizes were recognized for their commitment to volunteerism and service to the communities of New York City. Other awardees for the year were major financial services companies such as Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Moody’s, UBS and others (full list here).

This recognition is a testament to the enduring commitment of Synpulse USA to CSR and bolsters our efforts to build lasting partnerships with the communities around us.

Since 2020, Synpulse USA has also been a partner to the Mayor’s office in their “Good for Me, Good for my City” campaign (link here), pledging to engage employees in volunteer work directly with a city government agency. Through many such initiatives, our CSR programs are geared directly towards serving local communities and have become core to our corporate culture and company ethos.

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Office gift-wrapping session for secret snowflake

1 Due to the global pandemic, the 2019 award was announced late (in 2021) rather than in 2020 as is normally done

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