Remote Agile Work Webinar Series- Part 2

Part 2: How to Launch an Agile Project Remotely and Measure Impact

Struggling with working remotely on your agile projects? At Synpulse we have years of experience in delivering remote agile projects! With our video series on remote agile work we’d like to share tips and tricks with you that helped us a lot over the last couple of years.

Working from home might become part of the new normal for many teams. Workarounds and quick fixes don’t do the job anymore to work efficiently from home. Remote projects might become the standard for many of us and it is crucial to remain efficient. With our near and offshoring centers as well as our global projects, Synpulse has delivered remote agile projects for years now. We support our clients on global, large-scale projects where most of the interaction is virtual.

In our first video of this webinar series, we were talking about best practices for remote agile projects. Watch it again here and sign up below for the whole webinar series.


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How do you kick-off new projects in a remote work environment?

In this webinar episode we take a closer look at how to launch an agile project remotely and how to measure its impact. We’re sharing our best tips & tricks in the short video below.

Watch the Webinar: How to Launch an Agile Project Remotely and Measure Impact

Please don't hesitate to approach us directly if you'd like to start a conversation around remote agile work.

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