Synpulse’s Global Digital Assets Practice: Unleashing Crypto and Web 3.0 Opportunities

We are expanding our Digital Assets (DA) Practice globally – offering services from consulting to managed services in Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Americas through the support of our tech powerhouse, Synpulse8.

As a leading consulting and technology provider, we are at the forefront of innovation in this new economy, and we are here to accompany our clients lead in their DA and Web 3.0 transformation journey. We will be there with them to provide global capabilities as we expect the creation of new business models to ultimately transform the traditional economy towards a more decentralised, transparent, accessible, and efficient financial system.

We are also leading several internal initiatives such as

1) The #SynpulseToken, our tokenised success sharing programme built end-to-end on Ethereum,
2) Money Streamer, a Web 3.0 company building block that enables us to stream salary directly to wallets of our employees,
3) Synpulse Family NFT, a platform that gamifies employee engagement and facilitates connection among fellow #Synpulsians.

Our team is now a global force of ~40 practitioners. We will continue to grow as we respond to the rising need for mainstream adoption of DA and related technology.

This is the new future, and we are more than ready to disrupt not only the Financial Services Industry but many aspects of our daily life. Stay tuned, more to come!