Reinvigorating the Talent Pool Can Be Tricky. But It Doesn’t Have to Be Costly.

Competition for talent is fierce. Enterprise learning and development can be a key tool of empowerment along the way – provided the journey involves a culture shift led from the top and takes into account new and important trends.

With the rise of digital transformation, an increasingly competitive talent landscape, and the growing complexity of doing business, companies need to find creative ways of deploying their resources to remain ahead of the curve. This investment in a key intangible asset has to be geared to three main outcomes:

  1. Skilled employees − With the right skill, in the right role, and fulfilling the right responsibilities for employee motivation and satisfaction
  2. Future leaders − Grown organically from within by building a culture of ongoing feedback through on-the-job coaching that helps individuals grow with the company
  3. Knowledge – Rethinking and redesigning your approach to training and measuring your people while keeping the process inextricably tied to performance management

Enterprise learning is a framework giving employees the continuing training and professional development tools they need to grow skills and product knowledge. The Learning and Development (L&D) function of any firm should have a seat in the corporate boardroom to be able to influence decisions and plans to embark on the next step in the enterprise growth journey (see diagram 1).

Reinvigorating the Talent Pool Can Be Tricky 2
Diagram 1: Learning & Development Influencers

The New News

In a recent Gallup poll, 87% of millennials said that job-related training and professional development influence their decision to stay at a job. This translates into 40% of staff leaving in the first year because of a lack of training. To counter this tendency, enterprises have to cater to this digitally savvy workforce by adopting a culture of self-paced learning coupled with just-in-time content delivery.

Companies can begin to achieve this transformation by fostering five behaviors:

  1. Implementing learning technologies: offering informal and continuous learning opportunities through e-learnings, gamification and micro lessons.
  2. On-the-job coaching: providing real-time feedback and mentoring that directly feeds into performance management
  3. Encouraging self-directed learning: helping individuals absorb information at their own pace
  4. C-suite buy-in: working closely with learning and development professionals to align business with people goals
  5. Enterprise learning management: engaging employees with new techniques, tracking their progress, and providing post-training follow-ups

At Synpulse, we have the experience and techniques to help get your organization to the best-in-class model (diagram 2):

Reinvigorating the Talent Pool Can Be Tricky 3
Diagram 2: Best in Class L&D Programs

Ultimately, companies are missing out on many synergies because departments and groups continue to work and learn in silos. There are many obstacles to successful enterprise learning and development initiatives. Most firms fail for one or more of the following reasons:

  • L&D doesn’t align with overall business priorities and there is no vision from the top
  • There’s a lack of tools and resources to meet learners when and where they need support
  • People capabilities are assessed inconsistently and only informally
  • Technologies are outdated and inflexible

Learning and Development Reborn

Leading organizations have stepped up their game. Their L&D teams have earned a seat at the executive table by no longer being a cost center, but instead creating value by aligning with business goals. The DNA of the programs adopted by these winning organizations has the following traits in common:

  • Strategy: measured impact on the business, coaching capabilities
  • People: L&D and business owners collaborate, L&D evaluations produce actual change and improvements, learning culture is driven from the top
  • Environment: learning journeys are created by FTE profile, effective scaling for business growth and implementations
  • Platforms and applications: integration with legacy systems, flexibility for upgrades and functions

These traits map out a maturity pathway that many organizations must travel. Synpulse can serve as a tour guide (diagram 3). We can transform enterprise learning by looking at the L&D tools available, revamping training modules, facilitation and delivery methods, and creating a training culture fortified with an academy operation.

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Diagram 3: Our Pathway to L&D Maturity

Our clients benefit from a deep partnership based on their specific needs. We have a flexible support model that drills down to understanding the pain points hindering your corporation’s change management roadmap.

Our four pillars

  • Communication
  • Engagement
  • Training
  • Support

These pillars will create a sustainable academic culture tied to a budget that is slimmed down to meet delivery and technology requirements.

We will review our approach and specific experiences in a four-part article series covering each pillar complete with examples of the client success. Sign up for our article series on Enterprise Training below to learn more on how you can revamp your training culture.


Sign-up for our 4-part article series covering each pillar (Communication, Engagement, Training, and Support), including success examples of our clients.

If you see that L&D for real adoption is the response to your needs, let us be your guide to business growth. Contact us to discuss how to reinvigorate your learning and development efforts from the enterprise down to specific initiatives through a customized best-in-class model.

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